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Information collected at source gives the company a fair chance in their operational and strategic decision making - A view for Real Estate Sector

Information collected at source gives the company a fair chance in their
operational and strategic decision making - A view for Real Estate Sector

We know that information or data pertaining to Projects define the way the project is managed throughout the lifecycle of the project and has got huge ramifications on the decisions taken along that path. Hence, it is important to look into the process on how the information is collected and represented. It is very important to ensure that the information flows through gateways without any distortion (intentional or unintentional) and thereby affect the outcome or decisions.

Having said that, let's introspect and try to figure out whether we give enough importance to this aspect or not. Do we have a defined process for collection and validation of the information collected? The answer is no. Then let's examine a fact that is it possible to do it with the organisation structure and the prevailing process we follow.

In lieu of the above, we can conclude that due to availability heuristic and lack of analysed concerned data, our operational and strategic decisions are mostly dependent on perception, experience and hence may not be always in the right direction. This may even lead us to create new problems rather than solving the prevailing issues.

Hence, I strongly believe that we need to focus on this aspect of collection of information and validation and define a process for the same. Let’s look at technological solutions which can solve it efficiently and in a user friendly manner.

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Credits: Pictures are sourced from Google through open source search.